NDT Inspection Services

destructive testing
from Al Afthath ensures the safe
and efficient operations of your
equipment and assets by detecting defects before
it results in severe damage, and assures compliance with international standards.
From construction sites, pipelines and piping to shipyards and power plants, you need to monitor and improve the reliability of your processes and equipment. Our non-destructive testing (NDT) services offer you complete or sample examination of your assets, using well-designed procedures, highly trained and certified NDT inspectors. As a result, we can provide you with complete and valuable data, enabling you to make informed asset management decisions.
We offer you the most effective NDT methods to investigate the integrity of your equipment and assets. Our comprehensive range of NDT methods can help you.
We have a team of certified Engineers experts in NDT inspection services, fully trained for the latest technology of NDT inspection following the safety rules.
Al Afthath has a joint venture with Naya for Engineering services & training which provides all required training’s for our team as per American society for non-destructive testing.

Our main clients for NDT services are

YEAR: 2016
Client: ROO/RAK
Year: 2015
Location: NORTH RUMILA (DS2) MOC 61
Project Details: Isolation valve after PSV of DH upper vessel , Piping (MOC- 61), TRAIN 1 DH Upper vessel.
Scope of work: RT inspection, Vt, Pt, MPI, PWHT, Hydrotest, Painting Inspection
Client: ROO/RAK
Year: 2015
Project Details: DS2
Scope of work: RT inspection, Vt, Pt, MPI, PWHT, Hydrotest, Painting Inspection
Client: ROO/RAK
Year: 2015
Project Details: Dehyderator & Desolter (D&D)
Scope of work: RT inspection, Vt, Pt, MPI, Hydrotest, Painting Inspection & PAUT

Visual inspection is one non-destructive testing method of many that Element is qualified and approved to perform on your parts and products. Our trained Visual NDT staff will provide you with important information to make the decisions you need to make for your business.
Visual Inspection is also one of the most cost-effective methods to assess on going equipment reliability, and is typically the first (and last) non-destructive testing method used. A skilled visual inspector significantly enhances quality control and quality assurance during the fabrication of new equipment, and prevents costly outages and accidents on working equipment by evaluating wear and internal degradation.

Industrial radiography is used for a variety of applications but is commonly performed using radiation of X-Ray. Within the broad group of X-Ray are a variety of camera choices with varying radiation strengths. AFT portable X-Ray cameras used for field weld applications and thin & thick wall material inspection.
AFT NDT Services supplies a complete line of radiographic services for both shop and field applications. Our staffs of qualified, certified, professional radiographers operates within strict safety parameters and produce high quality radio- graphs that allow us to utilize our interpretation skills honed through many years of experience to determine if an anomaly is actually a defect or can be accepted per code requirements.
Traditional Ultrasonic inspection uses high frequency sound energy to conduct examinations and perform measurements. Considerable information may be gathered during ultrasonic testing such as the presence of discontinuities, material or coating thickness.

Heat Treating is the controlled heating and cooling of metals to alter their physical and mechanical properties without changing the product shape. It is often associated with increasing the strength of material, but it can also be used to alter certain manufacture ability objectives such as improve machining, improve formability, or restore ductility after a cold working operation.
Holiday test
Holiday testing is a non-destructive test method applied on protective coatings to detect unacceptable discontinuities such as pinholes and voids. The test involves checking an electric circuit to see if current flows to complete the circuit. This testing is used to find coating film discontinuities that are not readily visible, AFT provides this test with a range from 4” up to 48” .

Penetrant testing – Based on the properties of capillary action, or the phenomenon of a liquid rising or climbing when confined to a small opening due to surface wetting properties of the liquid, Penetrant testing is used for finding surface breaking discontinuities on relatively smooth, nonporous surfaces.
Used for finding surface/near surface defects in ferromagnetic material, Magnetic Particle testing (MT) is a versatile inspection method used for field and shop applications.

Hardness test
Hardness is a characteristic that applies to a range of materials—metals and non-metals alike— and is defined as the resistance of the material to deformation. Element experts measure hardness according to the requirements of the material and its applications with equipment calibrated to hardness scales.
A hydrostatic test is a way in which pressure vessels such as pipelines, plumbing, gas cylinders, boilers and fuel tanks can be tested for strength and leaks, AFT provide this service for you .

Calibration device is available at Al Afthath Company for welding machine and pressure valve and thermo couple
Coating Inspection
We offer you state -of-the- art technology, techniques and equipment along with highly qualified technicians to bring you unrivaled expertise in the assessment of coatings.
Our coating inspection and failure analysis services include:
- Damage assessment and expertise
- Determination of surface roughness
- Technical specifications
- General technical assistance
- Granulometric research
- Loss assessment and repair advice
- Periodic quality controls
- Periodic technical inspections
- Technical coating laboratory services
- Technical coating research
- Testing for conformity, compatibility and performance
- Testing of coat thickness, hardness, adhesion, gloss and color

Eddy Current Inspection
Eddy Current tube testing is checking the condition of tubes in the condenser and evaporator sections of a chiller. An electronic probe is inserted in each tube at the end of a tube bundle and pushed through the entire length of the tube. The information fed back from the probe reveals abnormal tube wear or tube defects.
The primary purpose of the test method is to detect and determine the depth of crack – like damage in the gauge corner. One cause for this is the so-called rolling contact fatigue of the rail material due to high speeds and large axle loads. The new test method is based on the eddy current principle.
The eddy current test method is based on the principles of magnetic induction. An alternating magnetic field is produced by the test sensor which induces electrical eddy currents in a test object. Direct contact between the sensor and the test object is not necessary. When inhomogenities or damage are found, the flux of the eddy current field is effected. These changes are measured with the test sensor.
Tanks Inspection
Tank inspection services includes repair, risk-based assessment, mechanical integrity assessment, spill prevention, control and countermeasures plan for tank inspection compliance, third-party storage tank inspection, annual valid use permit inspection and non- destructive testing (NDT). And the underground tanks and tanks designed to UL®, ASME, API, ASTM and AWWA standards.

Cranes & lifting Equipment Inspection and Services
Al Afthath can provide Independent Competent Persons (ICP) to perform audits on a range of inspection regimes, equipment types and specialist projects that require third party support.
- LEEA Qualified Engineering resources
- SI2307/SI2184 LOLER inspection services
- Load testing services
- Repair and recertification services
- Preparation of Written Schemes of Examination
- Hydraulic test beds
- New Web based lifting equipment register/management system.
- Lifting Plan
- Cranes, Overhead Crane Forklift, Side Boom, Reach Stacker, Gantry Crane & Lifting Equipment Testing & Inspection
The pipes and oilfield tubular can be prone to corrosion, cracking, third-party damage and manufacturing flaws. Our Drill Pipe and Tubular inspection services identify defects and discontinuities before they cause serious damage, assuring smooth operation and reducing financial risks. The Drill Pipe Inspection we provide variety of drill pipe- related services, ranging from the Basic/Standards API to critical well service standards DS1 & NS2. Al Afthath can provide BHA inspections on any drilling component used in the industry to check conformation to API RP7, T.H.Hill DS1, NS2, or any other standards requested by the client.


Phased Array ultrasonic is a recent development in the method of advanced ultrasonic testing and has an increasing scope of application in industrial non-destructive testing. Finding flaws in manufactured materials, such as welds, is a main phased array inspection area.
Using traditional NDT Inspection methods a single element probe is used to emit an ultrasonic beam into the test piece or area, this must then be physically moved to cover larger areas. Phased Array testing uses multi-element probes, each of which can pulse individually and the beam can be steered electronically through the test piece. As the beam is swept through the inspection subject the data gathered from the multiple beams is compiled and results in a visual image, presenting a “slice” through the object. The speed with which these results are gathered and able to be interpreted or presented is far faster than the more traditional UT inspection methods and radiography.
Portable Phased Array instrumentation and inspection are commercially and technically viable for a wide range of applications including:
* Corrosion Cracking * Hydrogen Induced Cracking * Pipe Weld Testing * Corrosion Mapping * Flange Corrosion * Butt Weld Testing
Advantages of Phased Array Inspection
Phased Array is leading the field for inspection performance and results. Benefits are numerous but the key value adding drivers for employing this inspection technology are:
Safety: Non-hazardous, no need for exclusion zones, inspection carried out alongside workforce.
Accuracy: multiple probe elements allow for beam steering, scanning and targeting, using a single instrument, increasing precision.
Flexibility: inspection set ups can be changed within minutes.
Results: S, B and C Scan imaging offers superior data interpretation to that of A-Scans.
Speed: fast sector scanning enables a reduction in inspection time overall. Evidence shows up to five times faster than conventional manual testing; reducing any down-time and costs.
Data delivery: results are recorded instantly for off-line analysis and storage. Quality control: is increased as real-time inspection results can be produced for welds during the fabrication process.
AL Afthath (AFT) Inspection Services have an established client base and experience in the Inspection and Oil & Gas Industries and re able to provide you with both the personnel expertise and equipment to achieve your quality of service and maintenance targets within the right time frames.